Monday, June 26, 2017

Blog Social Networking

Social networking has its benefits and also its bad experiences; but it’s all about communicating. Such sites as Linked-In, Twitter, Facebook, and the current trend whereas companies are using their own internal technology to share work thoughts and strategies as well as asking for opinions and even used by human resources to conduct job reviews among fellow employees. First looking at the benefits. Of course many say it helps in finding a JOB! It helps in finding out about company cultures. Many sites are used to make contacts and feedback. Networking is a medium, a tool, used to send a message and hopefully to get an effect, either to achieve goals or to motivate others. The purpose to show how the information or ideas are useful and worth acting upon. These contacts are to attract attention or explain a position, (much like President Trump’s use of Twitter). However, in using such networking what goes out on the cloud opens the best and sometimes the worst of your words. In other words be aware of the levels of responsibility and also accountability. In the reading "Who Cares about Facebook Privacy", people don't recognize that in the near future, it will affect your job search when applying to certain positions. This younger generation doesn't understand that what you put on social media is never private, someone is always watching.

            Such negativities start with you, the sender. Who should communicate or receive the messages? Then be wary that your message heard by one person may not be heard or misread by another. So messages and intent has to be written with clarity and clearly understood. Do they understand the message as you understand it? The next thing to consider that everything written or posted is now open to the world. Things that you may think as funny/clever maybe offensive or taken as disrespectful and controversial and may cost you that JOB! So networking is an exchange of ideas …good and bad.

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